Morwell National Park Online
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Plants and
      Online Help - Searching
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During your visit to this site you may wish to search for a particular kind of Plant or Animal in the Park. We offer you three ways to do this on this site. Each of the three ways will be more useful in different situations, but all are designed to make it as easy as possible for you to find what you are looking for. Instructions on how to use each of the three different ways is listed below.


1. Searching by Name

The first search is a search by name. You will be able to do this type of search if you click on the "Search" button located on the main menu bar at the top of this page. This search enables you to simply type in the name, or part of the name, of a species of plant that you would like to find more information about.

To perform this type of search follow these steps: (refer also to diagram shown below.

    • Type in the words or part of the word that you would like to search for.
    • Using the drop down list, select the Type catergory you want to search by this can be a range of things from all plants, birds, reptiles etc.
    • Using the drop down list, select the criteria for your search. 'scientific', 'family', or 'common' name.
    • Select how many results you would like to be displayed on each page using the provided drop down list.
    • Then click on the "GO" button.


This search will then list all the information that matched your search criteria. From this list you can click on either the Picture or Names of a plant to bring up a screen with all the information about that particular plant and a more detailed photograph of the plant.



2. Searching by Plant Identification

This search is designed mainly to help you identify a plant that you have found or seen in the park. It is a question based search that will enable you to identify any type of plant that you see in the park by answering a carefully chosen set of questions. You will be able to perform this type of search by clicking on the "Plant Identification" button located on the main menu bar at the top of this screen.

To perform this type of search follow these steps: (refer also to diagram shown below)

    • Each page will have two or three questions on it. Read the questions to find which one best describes what you are looking for.
    • Click on the letter located in the small green box that corresponds with the question you want. The letter is on the left hand side of each of the question.
    • Once you have done that you will be presented with another set of questions.
    • Keep on repeating the first two steps and you will eventually be presented with a screen that shows info on the species that matches the descriptions you have selected.




3. Search by Walking Track

This search is designed to show you what type of plants/animals are located on each of the different walk sections that are located in the park. You will be able to perform this type of search by clicking on the "Park Map" button located on the main menu bar at the top of this screen.

To perform this type of search follow these steps:

    • The first screen you will see when you click on the walking track link in the main navigation menu will have a map of the whole park on it with each of the walks clearly labeled with a Dot and their name. The dot and name of each walk is a link. Click on any of those links.
    • You will then see a map of the specific walk you selected. This map will have a thick coloured line showing the walk and this line will be broken up into sections shown by a gap in the line. Choose the section you would like to look at.
    • You will then see a screen similar to the one below. You can see that there are three drop lists. These lists define what things you will see. The month list enables you to see what species are viewable on this section of the track in a particular month. The other two lists allow you to select what type of species you want to see and whether or not they are introduced or not.

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